Friday 19 August 2011


The modern bus passenger wants to get his own way. Simple as. If he doesn't get his own way - irrespective whether that he is asking breaks the law or company regulations - he will respond with a barrage of abuse, much of it foul-mouthed and obscene. Such is life.

Gone are the days when a passenger would board a bus and ask to travel just two stops in an urban area (total distance 0.5 miles maximum) and when told the driver could not change the £20 note he was tendering, would accept defeat and respond with: "Ok, mate, not to worry; it's a nice day and it's not that far to walk."

Today you get: "You're a FUCKING DICK!!" yelled at you.

Or when you pull up at a stop and at the very end of the queue two under-class mothers with buggies try to board but when told they'll have to fold their buggies to travel as the 'buggy zone' is already occupied by two buggies, no more do you hear their pleasant retort: "That's OK, it's our fault for chatting and not noticing that the buggy area was full as you were loading people in front of us."

Today you get: "For FUCK'S SAKE. Why the FUCK can't we just travel with them in the 'middle bit' (aisle)?"

Scum, sub-human scum.

Common Sense Solution: A firm hand and the requirement to stand firm. Every time you give in, it is a win for the wankers. The more they win, the more they will try and push the envelope, like a sexed cow. Be resolute and firm. Take no bullshit. Tell them it like it is, without lowering yourself to their level by swearing or shouting. Often, speaking quietly when they're kicking off can help as they moderate their volume to try and hear what you're saying.

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