Saturday 22 October 2011


Today I made the unilateral decision to deviate from my prescribed bus route owing to a significant traffic jam due to temporary roads works. My diversion route would see me omit no bus stop and so no one would be inconvenienced in any way. Moreover, my actions would help ensure my passengers got to their destinations faster than would otherwise be the case.

I could have told everyone as they boarded that I would be making a slight detour en route, or even shouted it out as I was about to turn off, but I'm not really like that. The former would have seen scores of needless questions asked as I told each passenger and the latter is just oafish. I can't stand drivers who shout out loud. Also, those upstairs at the back won't hear and there'll be others who detect the driver shout something but won't have caught what it was exactly, so confusion is caused.

No sooner had I turned when I heard mutterings from behind. One elderly chap was getting very distressed. I was expecting comments, but not a grown man in tears, which was the ultimate outcome. A woman ventured forward and asked me if I knew I was going the wrong way.

"Oh my god! So I am. We're lost, what the fuck should I do?" I would love to have said. As it was I managed a more subtle: "Actually, I'm going the right way if you want to stand any chance of getting home on time".

It was a little sharp, but struck the balance well. Did she honestly think I had no idea what I was doing? Yes, occasionally a bus driver can make a wrong turn, but he or she will soon realise and 'about turn'. I was fundamentally heading in the right direction still, parallel to the road where the hold up was.

I'm surprised the silly old sod in tears knew where we were as he always seems a little ga-ga to me whenever he travels.

Anyway, 2 minutes behind schedule, I regained my normal route and normality ensued. Tissues were put away and the sobbing ended.

Common Sense Solution: Everyone is different is a phrase often banded about our depot. Aint that the case! A small detour on an urban bus route is nothing out of the ordinary. A guy in his 80s bursting into tears because he thinks he's being abducted is. 

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