Monday 16 January 2012

Fact of Life

A woman mumbled something about me being a racist today as she got off my bus. Absolutely ridiculous.

What happened was a black woman, yes, a BLACK woman (you better lock me up now!) boarded and asked for a particular stop that is not lit and in the middle of nowhere. It was dark and I was driving the 2020 departure from the nearest estate. She said she wasn't sure where the stop was in the dark as she normally travelled during the day, so could I give her a shout when we arrived at the stop in question. Being the big racist that I clearly am, I said I would, issued her with a ticket and then wiped the counter down with antiseptic wipes.

I approached the stop in question and couldn't see her sat downstairs. I assumed that she was upstairs so wasn't going to shout her stop out above the engine, so when I came to a stop I opened the door and shouted the name of her stop. The woman was sat upstairs and got up as soon as I called out.

She said thanks as she got off, I closed the doors and we drove off. All sorted.

At the next central point, the lead passenger waiting to alight stood next to me and said: "Typical, overriding her stop, eh?" implying the black woman had deliberately kept quiet in the hope that I'd take her beyond her stop, perhaps to where she really wanted to go. This was wrong for two reasons.

1. As can be read above, this was pre-planned and happened with my blessing and

2. The fare to the next central point is the same as the one where she left the bus, so there was no financial gain to be had.

A woman stood behind this guy seemed interested in what happened. I was keen to let them know that it was all under control and nothing like the guy was suggesting. I said: "The black lady asked me to shout out when we got to the stop back there as she didn't know where it was in the dark."

This seemed to satisfy the guy at the front, and he left the bus first. The woman said: "I'm just wondering why you felt you needed to describe her as a black lady?" I said: "In India I would be described as a white man, so I can't see what the problem is!"

"Hmm, that's a little racist!" she said and got off.

The stupid silly cow was obviously under the employ of a local authority with this stupid, pathetic, paranoid obsession with equality. Either that or a fully paid-up member of the Liberal Democrats.

Common Sense Solution: Sadly, with the world being as it is, I had to make my depot aware of the incident. The BLACK woman would have surely left my bus feeling that I'd helped her out as she requested I do. The WHITE woman thought I was a racist simply because I described her as a BLACK lady. She wasn't aware of the situation. This is why we have such ridiculous rulings in this country. People are so paranoid about racism that they manage to perpetuate something worse: paranoia about saying the wrong thing. This has nothing to do with free speech. I'm glad I said back to her what I did, about being called a White Man in India. I bet whoever said that there wouldn't be branded a racist by a black woman!

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