Monday 1 October 2012

Back to Normality

Well the Olympics seem an age ago. As does the Paralympics. Back to work, things soon got back to normal with the utter bollocks some people say and do.

Take today. Two examples for people just being wankers.

Firstly, someone who looked older than 65 flagged me down to stop for them. This I did as I had a number of people getting off at the same stop. Some of them were fat so he was unable to get on as they waddled off. He tried to shout his destination to me in a ridiculous football chant fashion, which similar to football in general, I ignored, choosing to say "Thanks!" to those leaving the bus.

For some reason the old git assumed his bellows had been all received and understood and that as I'd not issued him a ticket or asked him to tender any money in a similar shout-as-loud-as-you-fucking-can manner back, he smiled, nodded and walked straight past me.

What the fuck?

Naturally, he was called back and made to state his destination in a calm manner and then tender some money. It was a very bizarre situation.

Second was a mother and child who tried to bring two boxes of take-away noodles on my bus. We do not allow food to be brought onto the bus, but I often let sandwiches etc go, and tow the party line when it comes to hot food, such as burgers, KFC, noodles...

As it was 1 minute until I was due to leave and the next bus wasn't for 30 mins, I told the mother than we don't allow hot food on the bus but as I was ready to leave I'd let it go on this occasion.

"Oh!" she said, somewhat puzzled. "We're not going to eat them."

So you've bought stone cold noodles then?

I explained that the act of her eating wasn't what was outlawed and that it was the smell associated with this type of food that makes people feel ill as there's no escaping it in such a confined space.

The dozy fucking cow then leaned towards one of the boxes, sniffed it and said "It smells nice to me!" Oh no you fucking don't sunshine.

Just for that I chose not to give her the benefit of the doubt and had a very illustrated discussion at the front of the bus about how she either threw the noodles away or waited another 30 minutes to catch the next bus as she and her daughter ate them.

For god's sake I was initially letting her off, just pointing out the rules. We have stickers just behind the driver that clearly shows no food, alcohol or music. Well her cockiness meant that she had a choice and she chose not to travel and to wait for the next bus.

That was the first thing she'd got right so far!

Common Sense Solution: It boils down to having to tow the party line in the case of the latter. Often the guys I work with will let things go and the passenger then thinks this is the norm. Sometimes you need to be Mr. Unpopular in order for a bit of peace in the long-term. In the case of the former, in order to accommodate him you have to be less polite by ignoring passengers who are saying 'thanks' and 'bye' as they leave your bus and I'm not prepared to do that. I might be a cunt, but I'm a polite cunt to anyone who's polite to me. Will this old guy learn? Possibly not, because he is old.